5 Major Benefits To Overcoming Your Social Anxiety
Written by Oliver Lynch on May 15th, 2021
1. You will live longer

Yes, it’s true, overcoming social anxiety will actually extend your lifespan! How does this work? Well very simply put, when you’re in a fearful or anxious state, your body releases a chemical called cortisol (often called the stress hormone). According to sciencedaily.com “Being under heavy stress shortens their life expectancy by 2.8 years.” Now just imagine for a second that time froze, and you gained an extra 2.8 years where you could do whatever you want. What awesome things would you get to do that you’re putting off because you’re telling yourself you don’t have enough time?

2. Life can actually be enjoyed

Once you’ve overcome your social anxiety, you will be shocked as to how good life can get. Imagine your whole life you were wearing a 50 lbs backpack full of heavy lead balls and had no idea, and then one day you realized it and let it slide off your shoulder and onto the ground. How awesome would that feel? How much lighter and expansive would you feel once you’ve dropped that old heavy baggage? Overcoming social anxiety is a lot like that, and once you’re free, you’ll have a lot more inner energy ready to be used at your will.

3. You’ll likely make much more money

Let me ask you a question… who would you rather hire? 

A person with a business degree who is so plagued with anxiety that stumbles on every word as they make a feeble attempt to answer your interview questions while struggling to make any eye contact? 
- OR - 
A confident, beaming, and bright individual who doesn’t have a college degree, but has witty and thoughtful answers to each one of your questions and clearly demonstrates a driven attitude and willingness to learn and promises to do whatever it takes to excel at the job position?

If you’re asking Elon Musk, he’ll choose number 2 every time.

4. You can attract high-quality friends and lovers

Think about your favorite influencer or internet personality, now ask yourself, why do you like them? Is it their intelligence, or their good looks, or their money? Likely not. The real reason you like them is because of how they make you feel! Now I bet that the person you selected probably has a charming, fun, and interesting personality, and because of the way they make you feel, you are attracted to them. So if you overcome your social anxiety and focus on how you can make others feel good, don’t you think that would increase your chances of attracting some high-quality friends and lovers by a significant margin?

5. You can finally breathe

Yes. You can breathe now. You no longer have to worry about what others are thinking about you. You don’t have to micromanage every single social interaction and avoid getting embarrassed. Instead, you can just simply focus on breathing and you will feel amazing. There’s nothing you need to do, fix, or change because you can feel an inner calmness that reminds you of a zen garden. Everything comes easy to you because you trust yourself and others. Life is good, rewarding, and fulfilled. That is what it feels like to overcome social anxiety.

Oliver Lynch

Oliver Lynch helps people overcome their social anxiety without having to leave their homes. If you're interested in getting expert help then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.
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